Forgotten Flavours Squid Wafter 20mm, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Squid Wafter dumbell, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Seafood Blend wafters, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Seafood Blend wafters Dumbell, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Scopex wafter 20mm, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Scopex wafter Dumbell, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Pineapple wafter Dumbell, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Peach orange Wafter Dumbell, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Nutty Maple Wafters, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Nutty Maple Wafter Dumpels, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Monster Pursuit wafter Dumbels, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Milky Wafters, high quality wafters made from the best ingredients!
Forgotten Flavours Krill Wafters, KRILL HYDRO. It also contains GLM, Himalayan rock salt and krill meal, which gives it this colour. Trust me when I say there is a lot of krill in the base mix!
Forgotten Flavours Feature Series pop-ups are a range of LTD. Edition hookbaits based on and featuring ingredients that are key to the specific Feature Series guest arsenal.
Forgotten Flavours Feature Series pop-ups are a range of LTD. Edition hookbaits based on and featuring ingredients that are key to the specific Feature Series guest arsenal.
Forgotten Flavours Feature Series pop-ups are a range of LTD. Edition hookbaits based on and featuring ingredients that are key to the specific Feature Series guest arsenal.
Forgotten Flavours Bunspice & Aniseed Geert Ooms collab pop ups. These Belgian guys with a big love for oldschool carping mixed with some modern accents are known for working together and sharing knowledge.
Monkey Climber Magazine X Forgotten Flavours back together! These Belgian guys with a big love for oldschool carping mixed with some modern accents are known for working together and sharing knowledge.
Monkey Climber Magazine X Forgotten Flavours back together! These Belgian guys with a big love for oldschool carping mixed with some modern accents are known for working together and sharing knowledge.
Monkey Climber x Forgotten Flavours Coffee Crème LTD Ed. pop-ups , Coffee Creme pop ups , an earlier collab between FF and MC that could be produced again.
Forgotten Flavours Shrimp [100% NATURAL] pop-ups, 100% natural - no colourings - no flavourings - no artificial products
Forgotten Flavours Mussel [100% NATURAL] pop-ups, 100% natural - no colourings - no flavourings - no artificial products
Forgotten Flavours Snail [100% NATURAL] pop-ups, 100% natural - no colourings - no flavourings - no artificial products
Forgotten Flavours Insect [100% NATURAL] pop-ups, 100% natural - no colourings - no flavourings - no artificial products
Who is not yet familiar with the high quality pop ups, hookbaits, wafters and sprays from Forgotten Flavours?
These high quality products are carefully handmade and made with the highest quality flavours, ingredients and attractors!